Grid attributes


All tags/controls have all attributes described here in addition to their own attributes.

Base attributes

  • g or g-role: The role of the control in a grid system aligned layout.
  • g-auto-height: Specifies whether the control's height should adjust automatically to fit its grid-aligned children controls vertically.

Attributes for controls with col role

Attributes for controls with container role

  • g-horz-align: Specifies horizontal alignment for the container.

Margins and padding

Margins are defined individually by side, in pixel count:

  • g-margin-left
  • g-margin-top
  • g-margin-right
  • g-margin-bottom

Padding is also defined individually by side, in pixel count:

  • g-padding-left
  • g-padding-top
  • g-padding-right
  • g-padding-bottom


When a g-margin-*/g-padding-* value is not defined, the grid system will use the corresponding value defined in the control's margins/padding attribute.


There are two ways to define gutter for controls, measured in pixels:

  • g-cnt-gutter: Sets the gutter size for all content controls, i.e., for all controls that are inside.
  • g-gutter: Sets the gutter size for the control only.

Learn more about the gutter here;

Vertical line spacing

  • g-cnt-line-spacing: Define an amount of pixels to insert between lines inside the control.

Alignment attributes

For children alignment:

  • g-cnt-vert-align: Specifies vertical alignment for the children of the control.
  • g-cnt-horz-align: Specifies horizontal alignment for the children of the control.

For alignment of the control itself:

  • g-vert-align: Specifies vertical alignment for the control itself.

Displacement attributes

Use the following attributes to displace the control by a specified amount of pixels:

  • g-final-offset-x
  • g-final-offset-y


The g-final-offset-* attributes affect the control only and do not affect the positioning of following controls.

Breakline attributes

  • g-break-line-before: Set to true to force a line break before the control.
  • g-break-line-after: Set to true to force a line break after the control.

Sorting attributes

  • g-order: An integer that defines the index of the control for ascending order (lower numbers appear first in the interface than greater numbers). Default: 0.
  • g-group: An integer that defines which group the control belongs to. The groups are sorted in ascending order. Default: 0.

Controls are sorted first by their group (ascending g-group number), and then controls within each group are sorted by their g-index value.

Visibility attributes

  • g-invisible-reserved: Set to true to force the grid system to reserve space and consider this control in the layout even if it is invisible (its visible attribute is false).

Dynamic size attributes based on text content

  • g-dyn-width-txt: Specifies whether the Grid System should dynamically calculate the width for the control based on its text content.
  • g-dyn-height-txt: Specifies whether the Grid System should dynamically calculate the height for the control based on its text content.

Tiling attributes

  • g-vert-tile: Specifies whether the Grid System should calculate the control's height to fill the available vertical area.

  • g-vert-tile-weight: A real number that determines the weight this control has when filling the available vertical area. It is used when multiple lines want to fill a content height. Lines with a higher average g-vert-tile-weight will "grow more" than lines with a lower average g-vert-tile-weight. Default: 1.0

  • g-horz-tile: Specifies whether the Grid System should calculate the control's width to fill the available horizontal area. This attribute functions similarly to g-vert-tile but applies to horizontal spaces.

Size constraint attributes

For width:

  • g-min-width: Specifies the minimum width the control should have, measured in pixels. The grid system will ensure that the control width is not less than this value.
  • g-max-width: Specifies the maximum width the control should have, measured in pixels. The grid system will ensure that the control width is not more than this value.

For height:

  • g-min-height: Specifies the minimum height the control should have, measured in pixels. The grid system will ensure that the control height is not less than this value.
  • g-max-height: Specifies the maximum height the control should have, measured in pixels. The grid system will ensure that the control height is not more than this value.

Attributes used when mixing col and block roles

  • g-cnt-min-grid-width: Specifies the minimum width, measured in pixels, that the entire 12 columns of the content should have.

  • g-cnt-min-grid-width-ft: Specifies the minimum width, measured as a factor of the control width, that the entire 12 columns of the content should have.

Special built-in attributes

  • g-dyn-width-single-line: If set to true, the grid system will calculate the width for the control so it can fit horizontally all of its children block controls into a single line, without the need for breaklines. It replaces the g-on-get-width event.

  • g-dyn-width-each-line: If set to true, the grid system will calculate the width for the control so it can fit horizontally each of its children block controls into separate lines. It replaces the g-on-get-width event.

  • g-dyn-width-match-height: If set to true, the grid system will calculate the width for the control so it matches the control height. It replaces the g-on-aligned event.