g-cnt-gutter attribute

Type: Real number (pixel count)
Default: inherit from parent
Allows breakdown by screen size: Yes
Description: Sets the gutter size for all content controls, i.e., for all controls that are inside.

This attribute allows you to set the gutter size for all content controls within a control, ensuring consistent spacing throughout the content.


The g-cnt-gutter value is applied recursively to inner controls.

  • If the g-gutter attribute is not defined for a control, the gutter size used is the value defined by the parent g-cnt-gutter attribute.
  • If the parent control does not define a g-cnt-gutter, the grid system will recursively search for the first ancestor control that defines a value for g-cnt-gutter and use that value.
  • If no ancestor control defines a g-cnt-gutter attribute, the default gutter size of 30px will be used.

Learn more about the gutter here;