g-vert-tile attribute

Type: Boolean
Default: false
Allows breakdown by screen size: Yes
Description: Specifies whether the Grid System should calculate the control's height to fill the available vertical area.

When set to true, this attribute instructs the Grid System to calculate the control's height to fill the available vertical area. This can be useful for ensuring consistent vertical spacing and alignment in your layout.

Example (without g-vert-tile):

    <rectangle g="container">
        <button g="col" g-width="4" text="Button1"/>
        <textEditor g="col" g-width="4" height="300"/>
        <button g="col" g-width="4" text="Button2"/>

        form { g-padding-top: 8; g-cnt-line-spacing: 50; theme: dark; } 
        rectangle { color: gray; g-padding-top: 16; g-padding-bottom: 16; }             

Vert Tile Example

Example (with g-vert-tile set to true for the buttons):

    <rectangle g="container">
        <button g="col" g-width="4" text="Button1" g-vert-tile="true"/>
        <textEditor g="col" g-width="4" height="300"/>
        <button g="col" g-width="4" text="Button2" g-vert-tile="true"/>

        form { g-padding-top: 8; g-cnt-line-spacing: 50; theme: dark; } 
        rectangle { color: gray; g-padding-top: 16; g-padding-bottom: 16; }             

Vert Tile Example

By setting g-vert-tile to true for the buttons, they expand vertically to fill the available space, resulting in a layout where the buttons are vertically aligned.


  • A control with g-vert-tile set to true will fill its line vertically.
  • A line where all controls have g-vert-tile set to true will also fill the parent's content height. So, if the vertical fillment is not occurring as expected, try setting true for g-vert-tile to all controls in a line.
  • When multiple lines want to fill a content height, the grid system will use the controls g-vert-tile-weight to calculate the proportion that each line will expand.


  • g-vert-tile can also shrink the control height to keep consistent vertical spacing. It's a good idea to use g-min-height in conjunction to avoid controls becoming too small.